Blonde Jokes
You Know She's Blonde when:
She gets locked in Furniture Store and then sleeps on the floor.
She drives herself to the airport, sees a sign that says "Airport Left", and then turns around and goes home.
She misses the 88 bus, and takes the 44 twice instead.
She sells her car for gas money.
She studies hard for a blood test and then fails.

She takes a yardstick to bed with her so she can to see how long she slept.
She gets to the bottom of the application where it says "Sign Here" and she puts "Capricorn"
She trips over the cordless phone.
She honestly thinks Socialism means Partying.
She attempts to drown her fish in water.
She sends a fax to you with a postage stamp on it.
She gets stabbed in a shoot-out.
She puts lipstick on her forehead because she wants to make up her mind.

She opens her lunch box while walking to check if she's going to work or coming back.
The two hardest years in her life are the Sixth Grade.
She didn't want a window seat on the airplane because she just dried her hair and she didn't want it blowing around too much.
She opens a box of Cheerios and says "Look at all the doughnut seeds".

She didn't like to eat M&M's because they too hard to peel.
She holds her hands tightly over her ears in order to hold on to a thought.
She couldn't make ice-cubes because she lost the recipe.

She knocks over a priceless Ming vase and says "It's OK Daddy, I'm not hurt."
She moved when she heard that 90% of all driving accidents occur within ten miles of the home.
She found out she was pregnant and said "Gee, I hope it's mine."