

Crazy Accidents

These guys are crashing into walls, falling into holes and even driving right over other cars.

Car Crashed into Wall

This one went through a yard, over a stairwell, and into a solid wall.
Now, for some reason, there are firemen there.

Car Through Garage

Drove just a little too fast into the garage,
through the back wall of the garage, and right down into the back yard.

Car Crash into Boat

What are the odds of there being a boat right there?
By the way, what happens to the car when the boat leaves?

Car on Top

Just how fast was this guy going?
He managed to get his car completely on top of the other car!

Car in a Pothole

This guy was probably going too slow; otherwise he would've went right over the weak spot.
Now; how to get out.

Car Crash into Brick Wall

Driving directly into the brick wall is one thing.
The question is; How did the car end up 3 feet above the ground?

Car Crash into White Brick Wall

Crazy Benz drivers!
Does his license plate have the word "OOPS" in it?

Car on Top of Car

Looks like he first hit car below, then pushed it into the house, then drove over it. Then he probably got the hell outta there!

Car Through the Wall

Just a little bit further and he'd be able to get the door open.

Truck Looses Tire

You'd think that a truck this big would have a stronger axle.

Drive Through Truck Accident

C'mom, how could this idiot not know that he couldn;t fit a 16 foot high truck through a 12 foot high opening?

Truck Bridge Crash

Bridge clearance - 12 feet.
Truck height - 15 feet.
Do the Math!

Truck-Top Bridge Crash

Really? The trucking company is actually named "Safe Remavals"?

Upright Truck Crash

How could this possibly happen?
What could the scenario have possibly been?

And you thought that little fender-bender of yours was bad?

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