2 Lanes or 4
Building a Bridge to Hawaii
A man was walking along a beach in Southern California. He was deep in prayer as he walked.
All of the sudden, a deep, thunderous voice from above said to him: "Since you have been faithful to me in all ways possible, you shall be granted one wish."
The man replied, "Build me a bridge to Hawaii. Then I will be able to drive there any time I wish."
The voice from above replied:
"This request of yours is very materialistic, isn't it?"
"Just think of the massive challenges required for that type of an undertaking."
"The millions of tons of steel and concrete,"
"The supports reaching the bottom of the Pacific Ocean,"
"All of the natural resources it would require."
"It can be done, but it's going to be awfully hard to justify this desire for such a materialistic thing."
"Why not take some time and think of something that would honour and glorify me."
Upon hearing this request from the Lord, the man figured that maybe he should re-think it.
He thought about it for quite a while and an idea hit him.
He said to the Lord: "Lord, I wish that I could better understand women."
"I would like to know how they feel inside"
"I'd like to know what they're really thinking inside"
"I'd like to know why they cry for no reason"
"I'd like to know what she really means when she says 'nothing's wrong'
"I'd like to know how I can make a woman truly happy."
The Lord replied: "So, About the Bridge, Do You want two lanes or four lanes?"