Obama Tragedy:
What's the Definition of Tragedy?

President Obama is visiting an elementary school classroom.
The class is in the midst of a discussion about words and meanings.
The teacher asks President Obama if he would like join the discussion on the word 'Tragedy'.
So the President asks the class for an example of what a Tragedy is.
One student asks: "If someone is playing in the street and gets hit by a car, would that be a tragedy?"
"No", responds President Obama, "That would not be a tragedy, that would be an Accident".
Another student asks: "If there is forty-four kids in a school bus and it drives over a cliff, would that be a tragedy?"
"No", responds President Obama, "That would not be a tragedy, that would be an Unfortunate Loss".
The classroom goes completely silent.
No of the other students are volunteering.
President Obama scans the classroom.
"You mean that none of you kids can give me an example of what a tragedy is?"
Just then a small boy from the back of the room raises his hand.
The student asks: "If you, President Obama, were riding in Air Force One, and it was hit by a missile and blown to pieces, would that be a tragedy?"
President Obama answers: "Great!"
"That's it, but can you explain to us exactly why that would be considered a 'tragedy'?"
The student answers: "It definitely would not be an Unfortunate Loss and it probably would not be an Accident"